Wednesday, May 30, 2012

How Time Flies

Hello everyone! ^_^ I hope y'all are doing well.
it's been a while, hasn't it?
Not sure how to start :P So, I will just dive in.

First order of business:
I am sorta sorry that i have not been updating regularly. :O
This blog kinda faded to the back of my mind once school started.

On that note, School is done! haha. today was my last day of school, which means i am now a senior. :)
scary, huh?
I certainly think so.

I have not been writing as much as I would have liked. School has a way of taking over your life :P
lol so I will try to write more this summer, if I have the inspiration and the commitment to do so.
we shall see.
*thinks* not much else to say. my life is pretty boring ;)
haha. until next time!

 Always Hope.


Storyteller SilverLoom said...

Yay! Congrats on your new senior status.

Jessica Greyson said...

Nice to see you are still alive and doing well! Keep writing!


Unknown said...

Congrats! Being a Senior truly is rewarding. School really does start to consume most of my free time. Your not alone.

Blah said...

Hooray, you're alive! :) You're lucky; our last day of school was today.
Will you be doing Julno?


Pathfinder said...

You've been tagged!
To see it, go to:

shoot 4 the starz said...

Can you email me at
without the ?
I want to ask you something. Oh, and I like your blog... i'm from the UG, so I've seen your posts.